Best Immune Boosting Juice Recipes To Make With Magimix

Best Immune Boosting Juice Recipes To Make With Magimix

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One of the first things that most new Magimix Juice Expert 3 owners do when they open the box is to start searching for the best immune boosting juice recipes online. That’s because juicing is a quick and easy way to get all the health benefits of fruit and vegetables without actually eating them whole. After all, there’s only so many you can eat at one sitting!

They’re also great for helping your kids benefit from fruit and vegetables, particularly when they don’t enjoy eating them. So knowing what juices boost the immune system helps to keep everyone healthy in your household.

So let’s take a look at juicing, what it is, what is the best juice to boost your immune system and the easiest recipes for beginners.

What is juicing?

Juicing is the extraction of juice from fresh fruit and vegetables. The extracted juice contains most of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals, leaving the pulp, seeds and skin behind. It’s a great way to benefit from a concentrated dose of goodness, particularly if your diet doesn’t include a lot of fruit and vegetables.  

What’s the best juice to boost your immune system?

Most people want to know what’s the best juice to boost your immune system. That’s because your immune system needs a good dose of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and fight off colds and flu. We all know that vitamin C is a good immune booster and there’s plenty of fruits and vegetables that are packed with this vitamin. So in answer to what juices boost the immune system? Here’s 3 easy juicing recipes that will keep your immune system happy all year round. 

Oranges + grapefruits 

Oranges and grapefruits are packed with vitamin C which is essential for a healthy immune system. In fact, it’s vital for the growth and repair of your body tissues, including wound healing, iron absorption and maintenance of your bones and teeth. Whenever someone wants to boost their immune system, their first port of call is usually vitamin C, so oranges and grapefruits are perfect. You’ve also got antioxidants, potassium, vitamin A, B6, B9 and zinc from this mix.

Green apples + carrots + oranges 

Our second option for knowing what juices boost the immune system is the combination of green apples, carrots and oranges. This is another winning combination containing potassium and vitamins C, A, B6 and B9. This juice is perfect for kids, because it’s very sweet.

Beetroots + carrots + ginger + apples

If you don’t eat many root vegetables or suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, then this is the perfect juice boost! Containing anti-inflammatories, potassium and vitamins C, A, B6 and B9, it’s designed to give your immune system a super boost.

Best immune boosting juice recipes for beginners

Here’s three more of our best immune boosting juice recipes for newbies – these recipes are simple and easy to make at any time of the day. 


Loaded with anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and vitamins C and K, celery has long been used as a natural remedy for digestive problems, bloating, puffiness and water retention. You can also add green apples, lemon and ginger for a spicier taste.


High in nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins K, B and C, cucumber makes a fresh and healthy summertime drink. It’s said to aid weight loss, helps you detox and keeps your kidneys healthy. Add green apples and lemon for an extra zing!


Packed with potassium and vitamins C and K, watermelon is a lovely, fresh option when you’re new to juicing. It’s also said to be great for your digestion, reduces kidney disorders and is good for your heart. Add lime and mint for a refreshing and healthy drink.

Now you know what juices boost the immune system and the easiest recipes for beginners, why not check out our other juicing recipes on our website?

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